3 Communication Tactics During A Divorce To Remain Amicable With Your Ex

Going through a divorce is incredibly hard on most couples and their families. While many couples learn to deal with the situation amicably over time, the divorce itself can get extremely messy when you're trying to make sense of the situation. Follow these communication tactics to remain amicable with your ex. Keep Direct Communication Minimal If Possible Going through a divorce can really take its emotional toll on you and your ex, which means that you both could end up saying things you regret in the future, especially if you share children.

Why You Shouldn't Wait for These Events to Happen Before Chasing Your Debtors

It can be challenging enough to make ends meet when you're running a small business, without having to worry about whether or not you're going to get paid for your services or products. While many of your customers will pay on time and not cause you any issues, a few may not. There are of course a variety of reasons why a customer may not be able to pay you and whether this situation is terminal or otherwise.

Fighting Over Child Support and Custody with your Spouse? Get a Family Lawyer

Family lawyers often get consulted when the matters at hand require legal intervention because they can no longer get resolved via simple dialogue. The work handled by family lawyers is never easy because unlike other lawyers who only deal with one individual, they have to include other family members, and quite often they include kids. Additionally, they have to be neutral with all parties involved, considering all the individuals belonging to the same family.

How "The National Domestic and Family Violence Bench Book" May Affect Your Next Case Involving Family Violence

Dealing with family violence during a divorce case or at any other time can be confusing and emotional for everyone involved. Recently, the judges of Australia began consulting a new guide "The National Domestic and Family Violence Bench Book". If you are in the midst of a case involving domestic or family violence, you may be wondering how this new guide may affect you. 1. The guide helps to create consistency.

Bloggers: What To Do If You Receive A Cease And Desist Letter

Thousands of Australians now own and publish their own blogs. Some of these blogs are promotional tools for another part of the business, while other bloggers derive a sizable income from their posts. In either case, bloggers can sometimes infringe on another person's copyright, wittingly or otherwise. Read this article to learn more about the purpose of a cease and desist letter and find out what to do if you receive one of these notifications.