Can you make personal injury claims for emotional distress?

When a person sues their employer and makes a personal injury claim, the injury is more often than not a physical one. Every employer has the responsibility of making their workplace a safe place for employees. But the word "safety" has broad connotations and it does not necessarily only refer to physical safety -- employers also have the responsibility to look after the emotional and psychological safety of employees, and if you encounter something like consistent workplace bullying from an employer that causes you emotional distress, this can definitely be a legitimate reason to seek out a personal injury lawyer and make a claim.

Buying Off The Plan? Three Points To Consider Before You Sign On The Bottom Line

First home buyers have a lot to consider when they are leaping into the real estate market for the first time and buying off the plan brings an additional set of terminology that needs to be learned. Buying off the plan means you are purchasing a home that is not yet built and while your conveyancing lawyer will be taking a close look at your contract, there are some points you need to know before you even enter the contract signing stage.